Thursday, June 17, 2010

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

I ask this because before I get out of the car, or when I walk to somewhere and before I enter a certain place or when all of a sudden I see myself in the mirror and I notice my hair is in a mess, I decide to brush lightly my hair, men who cross with me seem to find this... "not so natural"...

Just out of curiosity, your thoughts about this, please...

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

Embarrassed? No. It might not make the best "first impression" though. Guess it leaves me neutral. Sure, all of us notice hair; but I still like to think most of us notice the whole package and want to relate to the entire person.

It definitely can appear to be "not so natural" at times.

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

Only if she is brushing her pubic hair...

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

never knew a woman who didn't do that, but it is poor manners. not embarassing at all.

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

my hair is always messy, so i dont care

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

That would not bother me. If fact, it would tell me taht the woman is interesting in keeping herself looking nice. That is a good thing, in my opinion.

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

they look because its sexy and they want to do it for you.......I'm guessing that your also really hot..

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

Not a problem as its only head hair. Had it been another kind then yes, such as arm pit hair.

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

I wouldn't be embarrassed but I would defiantly look at you like you were out of place. I would probably no ever thought anything of it.

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

A guy may see this as an uneccessary waste of time...both because we generally have shorter hair that does not mess up as easily...and because we generally do not care as much.

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

Who do you live 4,them or you.If you feel that your hair is out of place,I don't know of any laws saying you cannot straighten yourself out.

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

That's either very vain or very gay behavior. Your hair??? Come on man. Put on a hat or something. Do you also get your nails done?

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

No, not embarrassing to me. However, some guys might interpret you as high maintenance. It's just the impression that gives, it doesn't "make" you high maintenance by default or anything.

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

Mebbe when you are brushing your hair your skirt comes up. I don't know if it would be "not so natural", but it would certainly get the attention of most males in the area. ;-)

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

I think it is pretty natural. Sometimes, men get to over cocky and think they are the stuff. Because, if they are passing by and you start brushing your hair, they will think you like them, because your changing how you look, like your looking in the mirror to see if you look good, to impress them. But, let them get over their head and lift their self -esteem.

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

My husband says its sexy to see a women (me) brush their (my) hair. Since I take pride in my appearance, I will take pride in how I treat him.

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

It's not that it is "not so natural." I think that guys probably just find it a little bit odd that you are combing your hair in public. Most personal grooming habits, aside from makeup application, are usually done in private. So, for a guy who feels it's "not natural," probably just means to him that you are doing the equivalent of pulling out your big toe and nail clippers and clipping that long hang-nail off right on the park bench next to him.

So, in conclusion, he is most likely not embarressed, but rather just feels like it's something not to be done in public.

Second note: Some men also may actually feel embarressed if they feel like they are causing you to blush or feel embarressed yourself because your hair is not done up just perfect. These men are simply trying not to hurt your feelings by staring or even acting like they noticed your hair was messed up.

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

I do.

Males, do you feel embarassed when you see a woman brushing her hair?

Constant, obsessive preening could be considered annoying or embarrassing.

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