Thursday, June 17, 2010

Does brushing your hair when wet really cause split ends?

I'm starting to think that when you do brush your hair when wet does cause split ends but I want to hear it from ya!

Does brushing your hair when wet really cause split ends?

Yes, brushing wet hair will cause the ends to split. It is better to use a wide tooth comb and start at the ends. Never rip through tangles. Start at the ends and gently detangle working up. Also dont towel dry your hair by ruffing it with the towel. Gently blot your hair. This will also help prevent split ends and tangles.

Does brushing your hair when wet really cause split ends?


Does brushing your hair when wet really cause split ends?

i didn't know that

Does brushing your hair when wet really cause split ends?

I believe that it does. I dry my hair naturally. I grow it out to donate to Locks of Love.

Does brushing your hair when wet really cause split ends?

no not if you brush right.

Does brushing your hair when wet really cause split ends?

yes it is, comb it with a wide tooth comb if your hair tangles easy but dont brush it wet.

Does brushing your hair when wet really cause split ends?

yea sometimes it matters what kind u have not really when its bold/ really thick

Does brushing your hair when wet really cause split ends?

Dunno ain't got much hair

Does brushing your hair when wet really cause split ends?

yeah, you should use a wide-toothed comb to get out tangles when its wet.

Does brushing your hair when wet really cause split ends?

When you uese an all around brush it causes split ends, but using a wide tooth comb helps it detangle.

Does brushing your hair when wet really cause split ends?

Dryness of hair occurs when hair is washed excessively, shampooed with harsh chemicals or blow dried. Rigorous, repeated brushing, bleaching and perming cause dryness of hair and split ends. Excessive exposure to wind, water and polluted air also cause dryness of hair and slpits end accor . to prevent it always brush ur hair with comb

Does brushing your hair when wet really cause split ends?

CRAP! sillettos is right! and i just found that out, i gotta go get a wide toothed comb!

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