Sunday, November 22, 2009

Brushing you hair to much will make you bald??

o.k a lot people told me that if you brush your hair to much you will go bald. I have 360 waves and I like to keep them nice and I wounder if this thing is true.

Brushing you hair to much will make you bald??

Nah, it's not true. If you want to keep them detangled that much, use a detangling spray. (the kids detangling sprays are the best... shhh!)

Brushing you hair to much will make you bald??

Well, if you brush your hair too much, it becomes extremly soft and fragile. When it's fragile, it's easily pulled out with a brush. So if you brush wayyy too much, then you will go bald.

Brushing you hair to much will make you bald??

no this thing is not true

Brushing you hair to much will make you bald??

who told u that thats funny ...noo .....but y u wanna brush it over and over agin?

Brushing you hair to much will make you bald??

Only if it's not real! lol

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