Sunday, November 22, 2009

Hair shedding and brushing?

Is it quite normal after brushing the hair to have say around 15 hairs in the brush?

Hair shedding and brushing?

Yes, this is just about right. You should be fine. When brushing your hair, you're bound to shed and get the snarls out. If it *looks* like a lot, consult a doctor. But don't worry, you should be quite alright. :]

Hair shedding and brushing?

I would think so... I mean that sorta happens to me because I get tons of snarls and have to pull on them.

Hair shedding and brushing?

yes, I heard it is normal to lose up to 100 hairs a day. so relax. If you are still perplexed see a doctor and have your thyroid checked. That is a condition that will cause excessive hair loss. have a great day!

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