Sunday, November 22, 2009

Which way do i brush my hair to get good male and mixed with black&mexican, may hai

um, i dotn think youll really get waves no matter which way you brush it, seeing as you have strait hair.... you could let it dry naturally after you've washd it as wet hair tends to go kind of wave....then just spray it with hairspray...hope this helped! lol

Which way do i brush my hair to get good male and mixed with black%26amp;mexican, may hair is straight.

You should brush your hair in the direction you want the waves to go. The usual way is brush the top forward. The sides at an angle and the back down. You will brush your hair a few times before placing the wave cap on. Apply the wave grease to your hair add a little water to your brush and shake off excess and start brushing. Get a good stiff bristle brush and a wave cap.

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